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Cotton-linen fabric is a fabric made of hemp and cotton mixture. It also has the characteristics of both hemp and cotton. It possesses both the coolness and firmness of hemp and the soft, light skin-friendly feature of cotton.

01Linen-Cotton dyed fabric

Linen-cotton fabrics are usually blended with 55% linen and 45% cotton or 50% linen and cotton respectively. In appearance, it maintains the unique rough and straight style of linen fabrics, and has the soft characteristics of cotton fabrics. The texture is firm and smooth, which improves the shortcomings of linen fabric that is not clean enough and easy to be fuzzed, and the handle is softer than that of pure linen fabric.

02Yarn dyed Linen-Cotton fabric

Linen-cotton fabrics has the advantages of cotton and linen, which can be used to make all kinds of clothing. It is environmentally friendly, breathable, comfortable, sagging and comfortable to wear.

03Linen-Cotton print fabric

Linen-cotton fabrics have good elasticity and wear resistance under dry and wet conditions, stable size, small shrinkage, tall and straight, not easy to wrinkle, easy to wash and fast drying. They are made of all natural fibers, low carbon and environmental protection, which is in line with the current trend of international textile and garment fashion.